Install with Docker

Table of Contents

Graphlytic can be easily installed using our docker image published in the docker registry.

Get Dockerfile and basic structure

As a first step, you need to create a directory structure where the docker image will be built.

Go to the directory where you want to place the application files and run:

git clone

If you haven't installed git, you can download the files directly from Github as a zip file using this link:

Unzip the file in a dedicated folder and continue with the next steps.

Set the connection to your Neo4j database in the Dockerfile

Go to graphlytic-docker directory and edit the Dockerfile file. There are several properties regarding the Neo4j connection. Please change these values according to your Neo4j location:

ENV NEO4J_CONNECTOR_BOLT=bolt://localhost:7687

If the Neo4j database is running on your machine together with the Graphlytic docker container, try to set NEO4J_CONNECTOR_BOLT to:

  • bolt:// on Linux

  • bolt://host.docker.internal:7687 on Windows or Mac

Build the docker image

Build your local image with this command:

docker build -t graphlytic .

Run the docker container

Linux or Mac

docker run -tid --name graphlytic -v "$(pwd)"/volume/:/usr/share/graphlytic/volume -p 8080:8080 graphlytic

Windows (CMD console)

docker run -tid --name graphlytic -v "%cd%"/volume/:/usr/share/graphlytic/volume -p 8080:8080 graphlytic

Stop the docker container

docker stop graphlytic

Start the docker container

docker start graphlytic