Mac: 2. Install Neo4j

Graphlytic uses Neo4j database as data storage of customer data (application settings and data are stored in internal DB outside of Neo4j). You can use existing Neo4j database or install a new one. If you use exiting database be careful that Graphlytic stores some custom data into Neo4j database. Existing data stays unchanged because Graphlytic don't execute any change to existing data if it is not required by user. For better safety and data separation we recommend to use separate Neo4j database to work with Graphlytic. For information about required version see Requirements.

Install Neo4j

Please see the Neo4j installation manual on how to install Neo4j. It is strictly recommended to follow instructions at Neo4j manual. Here is short description how to install Neo4j but use this description with care.

Install Neo4j with Mac OS X installer package

If you don't have license for Neo4j Enterprise you can use Neo4j Community edition. Download TAR package file for Linux/Mac from the "Community Server" tab (please contact us if you would like to use Neo4j Desktop with Graphlytic). Select location for Neo4j and unpack the file. That's all.

Configure Neo4j database

For complete list of configuration see Neo4j Configuration manual. We recommend at least check configuration path to directory where Neo4j database is stored.